Numerical simulation of wave loads over a large container ship on mooring state 锚泊状态下大型集装箱船波浪载荷的数值模拟
In this paper, the mooring dynamic loads and the motion responses of a large container ship in irregular waves with steady wind and current is investigated based on the commercial software AQWA. Comparisons between the time-history motion responses of a large container ship and the change of the mooring line tension in three different cases, non-mooring case, V-type mooring case and I-type mooring case are discussed. The result shows that there is a long-period surge and sway motion response to the large container ship because of two-order drift loading, and the two-order drift loading has a strong effect on response of large container ship system because of close low frequency between ship and wave. Both I-type mooring case and V-type mooring case can obviously reduce the surge and sway caused by second-order drift loading in typical sea conditions; conditions that each mooring lines carries too much stress can be avoided by changing the mooring configuration in sea conditions. As expected, the relevant feature can provide a valuable base for the analysis of large container ships mooring in typical sea conditions.
منابع مشابه
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تاریخ انتشار 2015